Monday, September 30, 2019

How is Hinduism different from the other two major world religions? Essay

Hinduism is different from the other two major world religions (Christianity and Islam) in that there is no single omnipotent paternal deity that governs people’s actions. Hinduism is pantheistic, that is, it states that there is one super being and it is present in all material things and living beings. Hinduism does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or religious organization. There are many manifestations of the Creator, the Brahman, which take the form of many gods and goddesses. The Hindu believe that because all reality is a unity, worshipping different gods will in the end connect them to Brahman, because he is one. Out of this principle of unity stems the concept of accountability of one’s actions in this earthly life. The rise in popularity of Hinduism in the last half of the last century is attributed to this very principle, because it can be compared with the Earth’s ecosystem of interdependencies of different biological levels of organisms. The followers of Hinduism are motivated to behave according their religion’s moral code not because of the fear of successive punishment. Rather, they know that everything in this world functions according to the cause-and-effect principle and one’s actions today will lead to the inevitable consequences after the incarnation. The notions of Karma, reincarnation, and Varna work together to create the revolving system of life and death (Robinson). According to Hindu tradition the earthly life of â€Å"ordinary† people (pravritti) is a meaningless (samsara). Earthly life of the pravitti can have four goals: righteousness in their religious life (dharma); material prosperity (artha); and indulgence of the senses: sensual, sexual, and mental enjoyment (kama). These goals of the pravitti are looked down upon by the Hindu tradition. The ultimate goal of the person is to achieve a state of liberation from the burden of earthly needs and desires (moksha). Moksha can be achieved through successive stages of reincarnation. Each stage is closer to the moksha than the previous one. How the person moves about those stages is determined by karma: a sum of the bad and good deeds of the person (Hinduism). Good deeds will result in a rebirth to the higher, more spiritual level, and bad deeds can cause a person’s soul to step down the ladder and may be even go as low to dwell in the body of an animal. The differences in wealth, health, social status are explained to be the natural outcomes of the one’s previous lives (Robinson). The concept of the Varna represents the stages that one has to go through to achieve liberation. Varna is synonymous to the caste, a Hindu only phenomenon . There are four varnas which are differentiated based on their religion and occupations. The highest class in the hierarchy are the Brahmans, the priests and academics, who are practice the highest spirituality and are closest to Brahman. The second caste are Kshatriya that is made up of the rulers and the military. The third caste is Vaishya and it includes farmers, landlords, and merchants. The lowest class is Sudra which consists of the servants to the other three classes and workers. The Sudra caste is inferior to the other three classes because it does not have the religious initiation like the other castes have, which distances them from the Brahman and explains their lowest position. The fifth class outside the four varnas are the â€Å"untouchables†, the ones that are to low in their standings to be classified (India’s Social Customs and Systems). The Hindu system of reincarnation works in the following way: a person realizes that life on earth is a burden of chaotic cycle of life and death. Life on earth is a suffering and is temporary. A person understands that he is confined to a certain caste in this life because of his actions in the previous lives. He or she than realizes that the goal of existence is liberation from this chaotic cycle of suffering. Knowing that the ultimate goal of his soul is to achieve total liberation, he or she will strive to lead a righteous life to achieve it. The achievement of the liberation is possible through moving up in the caste system. After physical death, the karma determines one’s next position in the caste system on the way to moksha. Works Cited Robinson, B. A. Hinduism. The world’s third largest religion. May 16, 2002 Hinduism: An overview. May 16, 2002. India’s Social Customs and Systems. The Caste System. May 16, 2002

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Community Policing Corruption Essay

In today’s society, the amount of crime that occurs can be quite difficult to deal with and responsibility ends up falling on police to curtail it. Unfortunately, the infectious nature of crime often drags these assigned â€Å"stoppers† into the same mud that they are trying to prevent others from falling into. When officers abuse their legally sanctioned position of authority, it is known as police corruption. It is a persistent problem that is more significant in a criminal sense than the average person committing a crime because it is happening by a representative/protector of the law. Since police are not judiciaries, they do not determine who is guilty and thus undermine the law system when they do these crimes. Also, it is important to note that police corruption is not the same as an ordinary instance of crime. To elaborate, â€Å"Police corruption is an illegal use of organizational power for personal gain. The personal nature of the gain distinguishes corruption from brutality, perjury, illegal search, or any other law violations committed in the pursuit of such legitimate organizational goals as fighting crime. The organizational nature of the power used illegally excludes many crimes committed by policemen, such as burglary committed by a city police officer in his suburban town of residence in which he has no contact with the local police. That particular burglary would be merely a crime. A burglary committed by a police officer in his own police jurisdiction, under the protection of his colleagues or aided by his organizational knowledge of his colleagues’ practices, would be both a crime and an act of police corruption.† (Sherman, 31). As one can see, police corruption is a serious problem as it is almost always involves an associated act of crime. There is no room for this behaviour in fair environments and it cannot occur if society wishes to advance. Ultimately, police corruption cannot coexist with the concept of community policing because it is unethical and morally wrong, it is contrary to Robert Peel’s nine principles of policing and undermines effectiveness, and it offers no sense of accountability to the government and to the public. There is no logical way to justify corrupt actions by the police. Any time it occurs, it involves the â€Å"abuse of a legally sanctioned position of authority—in other words, the status of the police officer makes the crime possible. It is this abuse of a ‘sanctioned and sacred’ social position that makes police corruption so dangerous. It is the ultimate social inversion—the cops become criminals. (Police Corruption)† Instead of helping to fight crime, they end up contributing to the problem through means that are only available to them because of their sworn duties as protectors of the community. When corruption is revealed to the public, the police lose the confidence and trust that allows them to function and be legitimate. Corrupt acts are completely immoral as they are motivated by personal gain which demonstrates selfishness and a disregard of the well-being of society. The detrimental aspects of police misconduct cannot be overstated as they immediately threaten the possibility of effective police-community relationships. â€Å"In terms of public trust for law enforcement, recent polls show that only 56 percent of people rated the police as having a high or very high ethical standard as compared with 84 percent for nurses. Over the past few decades, great strides have occurred in the law enforcement profession. To begin with, many police agencies have avoided hiring candidates who have low ethical standards and have identified those onboard employees early in their careers who might compromise the department’s integrity. In addition, research has discovered new methods of testing candidates for their psychological propensity to act ethically. However, unethical conduct by the nation’s police officers continues to occur in departments large and small. (Martin). Clearly, society has made some strides toward ensuring ethical and rational behaviour in the police force but it is impossible to root it out all the way to the individual level. For community policing to be effective, a high percentage of officers must be able to see the difference between right and wrong and take appropriate action. Recent studies offer some understanding of the phenomenon in the hope of rooting out this behavior that serves to undermine the overall legitimacy of law enforcement. Theories on the role of society in law enforcement, the negative influence of an officer’s department, and a person’s own natural tendency to engage in unethical behavior have been offered as potential explanations. While some may argue that the â€Å"rotten apple† theory is the best explanation for this problem, the vast amount of evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Deviance rarely persists in an isolated environment but it thrives when it is adopted by an entity such as a department. To explain, â€Å"If we scan these activities then it must be plain that we are no longer dealing with individuals seeking solely personal gain but with group behaviour rooted in established arrangements. Police officers have to be initiated into these practises, rationalisations have to be produced to accept them, supervisors have to collude or turn a blind eye, justifications have to be sought to continue them, and organizations have either in some way to condone or encourage these activities — or else fail to tackle them. This is social behaviour, conducted in groups within organizations, that is powerful enough to override the officer’s oath of office, personal conscience, departmental regulations and criminal laws (European Committee, 68).† For all of these events to occur, it is evident that a multitude of people inside the organization must collaborate and therefore it is rarely an isolated case of corruption. Corruption is highly contagious and this is illustrated well through theories such as the â€Å"slippery slope† and â€Å"grass vs meat eaters† This also explains why corruption is usually concentrated in certain precincts or areas instead of being dispersed. Sir Robert Peel was credited with the concept that the police depend on citizen cooperation in providing services in a democratic society. â€Å"Peel envisioned a strong connection between the police and the community (Police Corruption)†. Unfortunately, the existence of police corruption is contrary to all nine of his principles. The police’s basic mission is to prevent crime and disorder, which they only contribute to if they are corrupt. They rely on the public approval of their actions, which cannot happen in a just society (â€Å"community tolerance, or even support, for police corruption can facilitate a department’s becoming corrupt [Sherman, 32]). Corrupt police officers do not cooperate with the public; they avoid contact as they do not want to reveal their illicit nature. Since corrupt officers are aware of their actions, they might have improper judgement and use physical force. They fail to demonstrate absolutely impartial service by attempting to manipulate public opinion, do not become â€Å"one† with the public, they usurp the power of the judiciary, and sacrifice efficiency for personal gain by not devoting all of their effort to reducing crime and disorder. These corrupt officers also undermine effectiveness as they do not use their time as well as they should be, show only self-concern and indifference to the morality of the situation, and abuse resources. â€Å"The legal authority of police departments and the nature of law violations in their jurisdiction provide organizational resources that can be exploited for personal gain. The nature of these resources varies greatly among and within police departments according to the nature of police tasks performed and the social characteristics of the police task environment. A police department that is a corrupt organization can exploit the resources for internal profit. In all cases, exploitation of these resources for personal gain is an inversion of the formal goals of the organization. (Sherman, 38). Depending on exactly what type of resources the organization deals with, they may or may not be suitable for exploitation. Federal drug enforcement entities constantly deal with opportunities to make a lot of illicit profit whereas Secret Services almost never has chances to make illicit gains at all. In many situations, police may lose some or all of their accountability to the public or government if they do not act with the appropriate intentions. Accountability is a vital element of not just community policing but policing in general. If the police are to achieve their goal which should be lawfulness and legitimacy, they require effective accountability procedures. â€Å"Lawfulness and legitimacy, in turn, are essential if the police are to achieve their goals of reducing crime and disorder, enhancing the quality of neighborhood life, and serving community needs. A lack of legitimacy inhibits the development of working partnerships that are an essential ingredient in community policing and problem oriented policing. Contrary to the popular view that effective crime control and respect for constitutional principles are competing values in policing, experts today increasingly recognize that lawful conduct and accountability are essential for crime-fighting. (Walker, 1). While it is apparent that lawfulness and legitimacy must be upheld in order to serve the community, a fundamental principal of a democratic society that the police should be held accountable for their actions. This includes choosing what actions they take and how they perform. This is especially true in post-conflict environments where police forces are viewed as brutal, corrupt, and unfair. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, a â€Å"liberal society must be maintained, complaints about the police must be addressed, and police themselves must be protected by disgruntled acts by the community† (Accountability and Police). At the same time, police must keep a healthy distance to avoid excessive personal interaction which leads to preferential treatment, discretion, and favouritism. Furthermore, it is important to note that, â€Å"The accountability of police to the public is undermined when charges are often dropped while officers under investigation are usually suspended with pay. In other words, there is no real certainty of punishment and this de-legitimizes any notion of public accountability and respect for the law (Police Corruption). In the eyes of the public, it is already bad enough that the officer are taking advantage of their position of authority but to have them face virtually no consequences is beyond demoralizing. In order for community policing to exist, the public must be confident in the fact that the police are not taking advantage of their position and are accountable in and out of service. In conclusion, because police corruption is unethical and morally wrong, violates all of Robert Peel’s principles, and shows a complete disregard of the notion of accountability, it is impossible to coincide with effective community policing. Police corruption is the illegal use of organizational power for personal gain and unfortunately a still a common occurrence in modern society. It is crucial for the police, as protectors of society, to not allow themselves to stoop so low. The community has to be able to know that no matter what police might have to deal with, they will remain pure and free of corruption in order to begin forming positive relationships. Methods of containing corruption include abolishing existing precedures that encourage corruption, letting go of any member that demonstrates corrupt tendencies, requiring a certain level of accountability, and many other steps. Organizations such as the Special Investigations Unit have made strides in reducing corruption however it is not nearly enough. If corruption is controlled to a point where it no longer has a detrimental impact to society, community policing can have enough room to develop. â€Å"Preventing corruption completely is a tall order. However, steps can be taken to reduce it significantly. There are a few fundamental ideas that can be implemented that can, by their very nature, curb corruption. The three areas that need attention are the officer training, personal characters, and the incentives program. The first step is to hire police officers of good character. Stricter screening methods need to be implemented to decrease the chance that a potential hire will become corrupt. Once an officer is hired, the department should do all it can to promote ethics on the job. The department must understand that the citizens trust the police to be ethical, and a breach of that trust is unjust. Further, it is not practical to act unethically. People eye the police and their behavior constantly. Corruption in the force makes it easier for a citizen to rationalize acting unlawfully, which just creates more work for the police. If a police officer, who is allegedly the pillar of the law, can defy it, why cannot the citizens who pay for the police services? (White) A corrupt police officer cannot very well express effectively why citizens should obey the law, for he has no consistency and thus no credibility. Works Cited Sherman, Lawrence W. Scandal and Reform: Controlling Police Corruption. N.p.: University of California, 1978. Print. Police Powers and Accountability in a Democratic Society. N.p.: 2000. Google Books. Web. . Walker, Samuel. â€Å"Police Accountability: Current Issues and Research Needs.† National Institute of Justice Police Planning (2006): 1-35. National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . White, Stuart A. â€Å"Controlling Police Corruption.† Stanford University. N.p., 4 June 1994. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. . Martin, Rich M.S. â€Å"Police Corruption: An Analytical Look Into Police Ethics.† FBI. N.p., May 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assessing the Essence of Teh Eclectic Paradigm

Aspects frequently highlighted include global media and telecommunications, global brands, worldwide production and integrated financial markets. At the forefront of these phenomena are Multi National Enterprises (MNEs), benefiting from the opening of markets across the globe, and from advances in computing and internet technology, which make it possible to link far-flung activities in global networks. Considering these elements, globalization can further be defined as the process of increasing and deepening interactions between individuals and organizations across the globe, facilitated by advancing communications technology and the opening of markets to trade and investment. Theories of International production have attempted to explain the convergence towards a globalised world, while addressing the different types of international expansions. These theories have focused on MNEs and Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs). FDI can be defined as investment by an organization in a business in another country, with a view to establishing production in the host country. While Raymon Vernon is known for his theory of Product life cycle, Stephen Hymer laid emphasis on the location and ownership advantages of countries, which helped in attracting FDI from MNEs. John Dunning incorporated Internalisation to the analysis of Hymer, which became known as the Eclectic Paradigm (or OLI Paradigm), one of the most comprehensive theoretical explanations with specific focus on FDI. Still the Eclectic Paradigm is being challenged in the modern globalised world, as it fails to take into account the implications of existing modes of entry of MNEs, as well as the advantages of Alliance Capitalism. It is being discussed further in this report. Theories of International production have greatly facilitated the understanding of the globalization phenomenon. Different theorists at different time intervals attempted to justify the expansion of MNEs across the globe. Hymer (1970) was the first one to propose that MNEs are institutions of international production rather than international capital movement. Still he ignored the natural imperfections attributed to transaction costs in an imperfect market. In today’s world, with the proliferation on Internet use, imperfections like bureaucratic hurdles and control of distribution systems (Bain, 1956) are absent. Even the imperfections like price determinism and information transfer are shrinking. Thus it can be argued that Hymer’s major contribution relating to the importance of structural market imperfection in determining FDI activity does not hold good for corporations, which are expanding globally through e-channels (for instance). Vernon (1966) came up with the International Product Life Cycle (IPLC) theory, which explained the locational dimension of FDI. According to him, production first starts in the home country fro local markets, and exporting is used to attain foreign markets. As the product matures and production is standardized, production moves to less developed countries to reduce labour costs. The basic assumption of the IPLC is that knowledge is not equally and universally distributed (Vernon, 1966). This assumption, however, is not applicable in today’s world, as Vernon (1979) himself admits that there is a more perfect distribution of knowledge across the globe. He argues that firms who are global scanners follow a different trend than that of the IPL approach, because such firms have the ability to effectively scan global markets for the best factor endowments. Though, a lot has been discussed and said on the theories of International production, yet none of the approaches (Hymer, Vernon, Barney) simultaneously explains the importance of resources heterogeneity, entrepreneurial competence, network governance and the rise of alliance capitalism. Thus, an overarching analytical framework is needed, that can synthesize these disparate views and account for the importance of location- based advantages and ownership advantages. Such a framework was developed by Dunning (1973; 1988; 1993) known as The Eclectic Paradigm. It is a framework that explains the growth of MNEs by bringing together disparate theories. According to Dunning, the Eclectic Paradigm is less of an alternative theory of International production and more of a framework that synthesizes the essential and common characteristics of each main theoretical explanation on the growth of MNEs. For more than two decades the Eclectic Paradigm (EP) remains a widely used general framework for studying the growth of MNCs and Dunning has also continuously revised and extended the EP to explain changing facets of MNCs. Dunning (1988) has re-stated that the EP is robust and general enough to incorporate future developments like renewed the focus on entrepreneurship and the emergence of global networks (Dunning, 1995). The Eclectic Paradigm explains that the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and growth of multinational corporations (MNCs) is linked to the extent and nature of ownership-specific advantages of the firm, the extent and nature of location bound endowments, and the extent to which markets for these advantages are best internalized by the from itself. In short, it is the configuration of these Ownership (O), Location (L) and Internalization (I) advantages that determines a firm’s international production and growth. In a somewhat updated version, Dunning (1988) describes the three essential factors for international expansion: * Ownership Advantages are unique competitive or monopolistic advantages, typically developed in the home market, that permit the firm to compete successfully in overseas markets. These factors are of two types: Asset Advantages arise from proprietary ownership of unique assets protected by structural market distortions, and Transactional advantages provide a unique capacity to capture value from the transaction benefits of owning a network of assets located in different countries. * Location factors, tied to the local foreign market, which make production in the host country preferable. These are immobile factors, such as cheaper labour, high shipping costs, local image or trade barriers, that can be combined with transferable intermediate ownership assets to generate superior products. Internalisation factors, typically related to the industry, produce transactional market failure in transferring ownership advantages to foreign markets. This also explains the naming of the EP as the OLI configuration as well. The eclectic model, then, pulled together the key elements of neo-classical theory – location, industrial organisation theory – monopolis tic advantage and internalization theory – transactional efficiency. It used this eclectic mix to produce an internally consistent, compelling and testable model of the multinational firm and its strategic processes.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Liberation Day of Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Liberation Day of Kuwait - Essay Example Iraq, under the command of Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait with the aim of annexing Kuwait and taking over her oilfields. Saddam’s argument was that even before independence from Great Britain in1961; Kuwait should have been Iraqis territory; in addition, he claimed Kuwait did not adhere to agreed oil quota (Khadduri and Ghareeb164). Under the instructions of Saddam Hussein, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait and occupied some areas. The United Nations (UN) called for the withdrawal of these troops, but this failed to take place. UN forces anchored by American forces began an air bombardment on Iraqis capital Baghdad. Later, they followed this up with the ground incursions; this had the effect of forcing the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from neighboring Kuwait. Looting, plundering and damage of Kuwaitis oil infrastructure by the fleeing Iraqi troops took place (Khadduri and Ghareeb 171). This paper looks into the various ways Kuwaitis commemorate this day in 2011. With the above facts i n mind, it becomes necessary to look into the activities of the day held in pomp and color by the citizens and government. The celebrations in Kuwait city on the 20th eve of this day in 2011 were visible everywhere one went. In an interview, with a man in his 40’s, he recounts how as a youth, he helped to load and unload food and other supplies for the soldiers with former friends. As the patriarch of the house, he helped decorate the house in red, green, and white; the colors of the Kuwait flag. Equally, the hoisting of flags was visible across the streets in his neighborhood. As a national holiday, most people are at home the youth also experienced these celebrations in the neighborhoods through organized football tournaments. Surprisingly, the Imam of the local mosque also gathered some youths in the mosque. The attendance was satisfactory despite being a Saturday, he recounted and emphasized the importance of the day and led in praying for peace. The idea that a Sunni pre sident would attack a neighboring Sunni state seemed incomprehensible to the youth. Nevertheless, this remains a historical reminder of the atrocities that can be committed by power hungry leaders. Significance placed on the day by even religious clerics highlights this. The media fraternity equally celebrated; Kuwait national television and the national broadcaster carried stories of triumphs over the invasion. Qatar based Al jazerra TV equally featured the celebration of this day as one of its main stories. The social networking sites were abuzz with best wishes for state of Kuwait, remembrance of the martyrs of this day and the Kuwaitis held captives in Iraqi jails. The military parade was an impressive sight. The invitation included various leaders from countries that helped liberate Kuwait. This parade also included the 50th anniversary of the independence of Kuwait from being a British protectorate. Various armies of Arab states including Saudi Arabia also marched. Fighter jet s provided a beautiful spectacle of white, green and red smoke symbolizing the national flag. The president of Iraq Jalal Talabani a Kurdish leader was also in attendance, showing there was no animosity between the two neighboring countries. As is customary in celebrations, in Kuwait, ‘Machboos’, (commonly being chicken, fish and beef with rice) serving was carried out in large trays. All family members gathered together at lunch time with coffee mainly served to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethnocentric and Eurocentric Translations Research Paper

Ethnocentric and Eurocentric Translations - Research Paper Example The cultural identities have the tendency to strongly influence the behaviors, acts, and attitudes of the people in each and every facet of their lives. The cultural competencies take the shape of very complex phenomenon when a translator came across this issue. The translator can best perform its responsibilities when he is well aware of the complexities that exist between different cultures and he knows how to justifiably deal with the cultural issues while translating the material from one language to another. (Lefevere and Andrà ©, 1992) A good translator is supposed to be well aware of the importance and role of the differences between different cultures (Brislin and Richard, 1976). However, there is also a possibility that the translator acts as an ambassador of a particular culture and neglects the depth of the other cultural contribution by translating it into less effective words, phrases or language. Earlier the translator was not exposed to the concept of cultural differences and he was not supposed to follow the importance of cultural differences while doing the translations. The early definitions of translation also focus upon replacing a word with equivalent text regardless of its cultural expression (Catford, 1965). However, gradually there was awareness about the importance of keeping in view the cultural difference while translating material from one language to other. (Hatim et al, 2006) The awareness about studying the cultural differences during the translations was felt during the time of ancient Rome.

Osmosis And The Egg Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Osmosis And The Egg - Lab Report Example 7. The egg was placed in a clean beaker and covered with water, the amount of which was recorded. Following which the beaker was covered and it was left for a week. 8. After a week, the egg was removed from the beaker, dried, measured and weighed, and details about the appearance were noted. Finally, the amount of water that remained in the beaker was measured and recorded. Data table Measurements Baseline After vinegar After corn syrup After water Circumference (cm) 13 14.5 12.2 15.5 Mass (g) 51.5 71.89 51.6 78.5 Appearance Oval, smooth, soft Long, rubbery, more cracks Smaller, partly indented Bigger, like a rubber immersed in fluid Amount of vinegar (ml) 60.5 43 - - Amount of corn syrup (ml) 77 - 79 - Amount of water (ml) 67 - - 35 Change in liquid (ml) - -17.5 2 -32 Graph Figure 1: Starting circumference (in centimeters) of the egg and circumference following each of the experimental treatments. Figure 2: Starting mass (in grams) of the egg and the mass following each treatment. Q uestions 1. The circumference of the egg increased by 1.5cm after it was immersed in vinegar and left to stand for a week. The mass changed, increasing by around 20g. Overall, the size of the egg increased. The amount of vinegar in the jar decreased by 17.5ml. The changes were the result of osmosis. The gradient across the membrane of the egg made it such that molecules of vinegar were drawn into the egg, resulting in a lower concentration of vinegar molecules outside the egg and a higher concentration within the egg at the end of the week. The cracks in the shell of the egg were the result of an acidic reaction between the vinegar and the shell of the egg. The rubbery nature was due to the change in chemical composition of the egg, it had more liquid in it as a result of the... Water molecules will move in the direction of a high concentration of solute, and hence low water concentration until equilibrium is reached. Generally osmosis occurs across a cell membrane; however, this is not always the case. The outside solution can be grouped into one of three categories, isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic. Isotonic is where the concentration of water is the same inside and exterior to the cell, and as a consequence water moves in both directions with no next change. A hypotonic solution has a higher concentration of water compared to the internal environment, and as a consequence water moves into the cell. Finally, a hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of water to the internal environment, so water moves out of the cell. The process of submerging the egg in liquid and leaving it for a week allowed the process of osmosis to take place. This is because the egg shell is semi permeable and is able to act in the same way that a cell membrane can in terms of allowing diffusion. Both water and vinegar were hypotonic compared to the interior of the egg and as a consequence immersing the egg in these liquids resulted in water being taken into the egg. This resulted in the egg appearing rubbery and gaining in size. In contrast, corn syrup was hypertonic compared to the interior of the egg so water moved out of the egg. As there was already an increased amount of water inside the egg it was this that was removed, resulting in the egg being similar in size to when the experiment began.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Response to Room No.12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Response to Room No.12 - Essay Example This portrays women as despised members of the society since the hotel manager automatically assumed that there is no way that a woman who looked as lovely as Bahiga al-Dahida could have acquired her wealth alone. Her identity card had not given any indication that she was either married or employed. It seems unfair that the hotel manager could not have assumed that the woman could have inherited the money that she was using. The woman in the story is a representation of generation difference. In traditional Egyptian society, a woman was expected to be submissive and dis-empowered. Bahiga al-Dabida could also have been placed in the story to illustrate a change in social and gender roles. Egypt had experienced a change in attitudes of people towards traditional roles expected of different gender and social roles. When Bahiga arrives at the hotel, she is directed to her room by the bellhop who asks her to remove the bed covers and move the bed to the wall, and later tips the bellhop generously (Mahfouz 221). The bellhop also mentioned to the hotel manager that he heard the lady talking to herself while he was passing by her room. This creates a lot of suspense in the story as the reader is compelled to find out whether the woman is talking to herself, or talking on the telephone, or she could also be talking to spirits or demons. The story gets compelling when the lady orders lunch. She orders so much food that the hotel manager thinks it is enough for six people. Though the manager does not openly express his shock, he feels surprised when the plates are licked clean after one hour when a hotelier goes to clear the table in her room(Mahfouz 222). The hotel manager concludes that the woman is strange; from the way that she looked and acted. The manager tried not to think about the woman, but he later admitted that he could not avoid it. He found her fearful yet attractive. He also looked familiar but he could not remember

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring Research Paper

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring process - Research Paper Example Healthcare managers have to deal with rising number of complex ethical predicaments in organizations. Independently they are unable to take ethical decisions in the absence of well-documented and communicated organizational decision-making outline. It is, therefore, important for the healthcare organizations to design, develop, and implement necessary policies, procedures and guidelines to help their staff in arriving at ethical decision-making in their routines. With these mechanisms and frameworks, the organizations are able to effective take sound ethical decisions regarding their companies. This report as such delves briefly into ethical decision making as carried out by various companies with special emphasis on 6-step ethical decision making process as outlined by Purtillo and Doherty (2009) in health care environment. Step 1: Gather Relevant Information The first step in ethical decision-making process is the explicit, relevant data of the ethical issues that generally occurs as a result of insufficient information or evidence, and disagreements concerning the facts. Hence, this step facilitates many disagreements and assists in initiating a successful procedure. It should start by inquiring about the ethical issue that has been in hand (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Medical Indications Issues: The patient’s health care problem, its diagnosis and prognosis. Its criticalness, continuance, emergency and reversibility. The objectives of treatment and intervention for patients’. The chances of success for the patients’ population. The plans in view of therapeutic collapse for the patients’ population. The advantages of the treatments and its optimization. The dangers of the treatments and interventions and ways of minimizing these risks (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Patient Preferences Issues: The patients’ preferences re-treatment and interventions. The patients’ evaluation of quality of life with and without treatments and interventions. The patient's approval whether voluntary or involuntary. Whether patients are children, have their abilities to accept been identified. Whether patients expressed their wishes in writing, verbally etc. Whether patients are reluctant or incapable to deal with treatments and interventions, if so, the reasons. Whether patients’ decision to choose being appreciated considering ethics and law (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Evidence issues: The standards of practice. The availability of type of data to inform decisions. The research outcomes and studies are available to notify decisions (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Contextual Features Issues: Families affecting decisions regarding the treatments and interventions. Religious and cultural factors. The existence of health providers and administrator prejudices that might impact decisions concerning quality of life. The involvement of clinical researches and teaching. The existence of relevant legislations. The existence of confidentiality matters and its limitations. The financial implications concerning the decision making. Whether organizational rules concerns the decision making. Whether there exists conflict of interest on the part of the health care providers or within institutions. The targets, goals, principles, and strategic directions of the healthcare companies (Purtillo & Doher

Monday, September 23, 2019

Write a research paper about Crime and Economics or Crime and Age, or Essay

Write a research paper about Crime and Economics or Crime and Age, or Crime and Race, or Crime and Gender, or Geographical impact on crime - Essay Example Great emphasis has been more on male criminality than female offenders. Gender and societal norms are among factors that attribute to gender crime gap and constantly regulate rate of crimes that women commit. Males as well as female usually commit crimes that involve substance abuse and property crimes. These kinds of crimes fall into the category of minor misconduct. It is vital to note that a number of crimes that are much serious in comparison to murder and robbery do exist. Crimes committed in the past few decades involved larceny, rape, and other minor misconducts. Trends are slowly changing, and the number of female criminality seems to be on the rise. Evans (2013) points that the number women arrested by police for law-breaking is par with that of men. However, it is essential to evaluate the kind and degree of crimes that each gender commits. It is astounding to note that the rise in female criminality includes crimes that involve forgery, fraud, as well as theft and not in traditional female crimes that include prostitution and child abuse. Besides the above reasons that attempt to explain the disparity in male and female criminality, it is essential to consider emotional strength and societal norms. The perception of diverse individuals is that men are physically stronger compared to women. Thus, they are capable of committing crimes, which are violent. Gender norms dictated and sustained by society seem to influence lower crime rate of female criminality significantly. Composition of femininity is usually within varied discourses that circumscribe the behavior of a woman, as well as the association that she has with different individuals (Korcha et al., 2014). Several factors governing a woman’s experience include her mind, body, as well as her social interaction. Some individuals equate femininity with independence and self-control. Thus, a normal woman, is one who is selfless, nurturing and caring regarding the needs of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cultural Hybrids Essay Example for Free

Cultural Hybrids Essay There are many people from different countries with different cultures who want to live the American Dream. They want the idea of freedom and they feel that United States is the only country in the world who can give the people the liberty it offers. The life of a person whom no one speaks with because of one’s difference can be quite miserable. The story â€Å"This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona† by Sherman Alexie shows the audience how different the life of Native Americans are compared to modern day Americans. Throughout the story, details about events that happened in Victor and Thomas’s life which combines the Indian and American side of their heritage were given. Alexie was trying to tell the readers how the Indians in the reservations want to hybridize their Native American and modern American culture. Since Thomas and Victor both grew up in the reservation, they see a big difference their lives are compared to the modern day Americans. The first detail that illustrates my thesis was the Fourth of July celebration when Victor and Thomas were kids. Thomas states, â€Å"It’s strange how us Indians celebrate the Fourth of July. It ain’t like it was our independence everybody was fighting for† (16). Alexie displays how Indians try to act more Americanized in order to fit in better with the modern American crowd. Back then, no one besides their own might have spoken to them because they were different so they want to be accepted. For example, the event when they were in the airport and had talked to the gymnast, Victor says, â€Å"Everybody talks to everybody on airplanes. It’s too bad we can’t always be that way† (19). Alexie sends the readers a message of how in their minds, the only way that they were going to be liked was by forgetting their Native American culture and acting more like the modern Americans. Another factor the author provides the audience of this hybridization was through the remains of Victor’s father. Alexie writes, â€Å"They set him down carefully behind the seats, put a cowboy hat on the wooden box and a Dodgers cap on the cardboard box. That’s the way it was supposed to be† (20). The cowboy hat displays the Indian side of their heritage and the Dodgers cap conveys the American side. In this situation, Alexie provides a clear view of how the characters combine their two different cultures. It is not the fact that they are forgetting the beliefs they grew up with; they blend the two cultures together to better their lives in both nation. Next was the Spokane falls incident with Thomas and Victor’s father. Thomas utters, â€Å"He drove me over to Denny’s, bought me dinner, and then drove me home to the reservation† (20). Denny’s is an American fast food restaurant. The way Alexie combines the fact that they eat at a modern American restaurant and then goes home to the reservation once again shows the mixture of the two customs. In addition to the modern American cultures, Alexie also shows how Victor and Thomas hold on to their Native American heritage. When Thomas and Victor were kids, they had stolen a car and parked it in front of the police station. Now in the modern days, if a kid was to do this, it would be a crime and the kid would be punished. Yet the turn out for this was the exact opposite. Instead of being scolded, everyone cheers â€Å"You were very brave. Very brave† (17). They even thought of themselves as warriors. Moreover, the fact that they still call each other junior also shows a way they keep their tradition alive as Native Americans. Nowadays, people do not often call each other with respect. They just call a person by their name no matter the age. The Native Americans, on the other hand, gives the people who are older a term that shows respect. Thomas states, â€Å"Everybody on this reservation is named Junior† (17). Victor and Thomas were two of the youngest people that live in the reservations therefore everyone to them are called Junior. It is a symbol for elderly. Alexie uses Victor and Thomas Builds-the-fire as the representation of these two cultures. Thomas is the person who sticks to the old fashioned, Native American values while Victor illustrates the modern day Americans and wanting to fit in. Thomas is more traditional. He demonstrates the old Native American beliefs. Victor, on the other hand, lives in the present. Both holds on to their Native American beliefs while also trying to grasp the modern American traditions. Alexie clearly represented the hardships the Native Americans have had living in the poor reservations by using details about Thomas and Victor’s life growing up. Being judged at by the way a person is or what culture they came from is a big reason why Victor and Thomas, but mostly Victor, try to act more like the modern day Americans. Although some traditions were forgotten as they grew up, in many ways, they still held on to the fact that they are still Native Americans. Some events in their life displays Victor and Thomas turning away from their culture but still is able to remember it. No matter where a person is or who they communicate with, a culture one grew up with can never be easily forgotten.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Art Museums: Issues in Profits, Acquisition and Ethics

Art Museums: Issues in Profits, Acquisition and Ethics Acquisition, Ethics, and Profit in the Art World What happens in the art world affects all parts of it, from the most well endowed museum to the myriad lesser-known and unknown galleries that try to eke out a living. This paper will examine the ways in which museums have weathered the vagaries of the market over the past few decades, including not-for-profit institutions as well as the for-profit sector, including the gray area in which the two—rarely—meet. The unifying factor, as this paper will show, is the reputation of the institution. The reputation of any building that houses works of art is a priceless commodity, whether it is a huge institution of international reputation, or a small but well-respected gallery with equally high standards of decorum and ethics. To maintain that reputation at all costs is of vital importance if an institution is to survive and remain a respected part of the art community. Ethics, Profit and Culture in Museums The role of museums in contemporary society has changed in the last several decades; still considered essential to society as both reflection and mirror, museums have found themselves floundering for financial support as never before. To continue to thrive—often just to survive—they have had to adapt to meet the new demands of a multicultural world, while at the same time maintaining their respected status. Traditionally seen as temples for the muses, todays museums are being challenged to be ethical for society and to build their reputation (Wood Rentschler, 2003). Traditionally, museums throughout the Western world have supported themselves in a variety of ways, most of which are dependent on cultural travel and funding sources. Admission receipts and gift-shop sales form part of their income. Donations from the government and from private and other funding sources supplement that. In recent years, however, cultural tourism rates have dropped, and additional funding from government and private sources has dwindled, leaving budgetary needs unmet. To stay afloat, museums have had to adapt and change with the times. They have done, and continue to do this, in a number of ways. Among these ways, unfortunately, have been activities that have raised eyebrows in the art world, and questions about acquisition, ethics, and profit have come to the fore. Importance of Reputation As institutions which house the priceless treasures and artifacts of our cultural pasts, museums are generally held in high regard. Among smaller galleries, there is also a hierarchy, primarily based on integrity and fair dealings with artists and with each other. For the larger institutions, though, in order to maintain this regard, they are expected to adhere to a higher standard. This expectation is so deeply ingrained that it seems at times a given: museums are considered bastions of artistic culture and historical identity. They are institutions which foster intellectual growth and which exercise discriminating taste and ethical behavior in building and maintaining their collections. Regardless of the exhibition or programme concepts, notes Edson, there are qualities and initiatives that are fundamental to museums, such as intellectual honesty, promotion of critical thinking, enhancement of open-mindedness and the sensitizing of visitors to the commonwealth of humankind (2001: p. 43). This is a tall order to uphold—and one which is under constant scrutiny. What happens when these hallowed institutions fall upon financial hardship? They adapt. The ways in which they adapt may change our preconceived notions of what a museum should be. For example, the concept of blockbuster exhibits in the eighties was considered unacceptable to some. This blatant advertising to sell art—in essence, sell culture, seemed a betrayal of the highest standards, a mockery of itself. It forced many to reconfigure commonly held notions about the institutions themselves. In his memoirs, art critic Richard Feigen echoes what many felt at the time: As museums began to commercialize, to adapt to 1970s inflation, exhibitions also veered away from an emphasis on scholarship toward a preoccupation with box office (2000: 137). The very words box office, in such close proximity to scholarship and museums, would have seemed quite jarring at the time. Yet, since then, we have grown more accustomed—albeit gradually—to the concept of art-for-profit. After all, someone has got to pay for the acquisitions and maintenance of cultural artifacts. If the funding is not forthcoming, museums have had to choose whether to close up their doors and die out like an obsolete breed, or to reinvent themselves in ways they deem acceptable. Having for the most part chosen the latter, museums have had to become more aggressive in pursuit of the funds necessary to at least survive, and hopefully to flourish. This has necessarily caused their patrons to reassess and re-evaluate as well. Just as museum definitions have changed, so too has our understanding of museum ethics explain Wood and Rentschler (2003). It has also forced us to understand the roles of the individuals who run these institutions, as Feigen concedes: In this new era of museology, he writes, a directors success has come to be measured by the crowds he attracts, the funds he raises, the buildings he builds, and how effectively he can dodge political cross fire (2000: 109). A major issue which has sprung from this process of adaptation is the need to maintain an impeccable reputation in the process. The last few decades have been a period of just that, as the concept of the museum—and the actual institutions themselves—have evolved to meet the needs of the people they serve: the patrons. Todays museums are called upon to offer an enhanced experience in an appropriately comfortable environment, one that instills a sense of cultural pride as well as challenge. In so doing, Edson writes: The museum by facilitating that experience serves the individual and the host community to the fullest extent of the concept of public service (Edson, 2001: p. 44). In order to do this, however, the reputation of the museum must remain intact; this means that decisions about affiliations with those outside the museum itself must be absolutely circumspect. And this, in recent years, is where museums have been coming under fire. The Staff The staff of a museum—from curators to custodians—forms the backbone of day-to-day operations. Considered in that light, the actions of staff members may be seen as a reflection on the museum itself. This is something that pertains to all levels of staffing. The security personnel who are responsible for safeguarding national treasures may not be accorded the highest prestige in society, but the importance of their roles should never be played down. A disturbance that distracts even a single security staff member from absolute vigilance can potentially set off a series of events that may lead to loss through damage or theft. And there are several known instances in which the roles of security personnel have been key in allowing unauthorised access to works of art: that they would willingly allow this is untenable, but not inexplicable. Monetary pressures mount, and outside influences can be very persuasive. Arts organisations cannot think that their people will be immune to these pressures assert Wood and Rentschler (2003). They advise that clearly stated ethical practices be a part of every organisation to avoid this very thing. They must be part of the training program, and they must be reviewed and reinforced on a regular basis to maintain both morale and loyalty. Failure to do so can have irrevocably damaging results: If temptation is not resisted, it can compromise the values for which the organisation stands and irrevocabl y damage the reputation that it may have worked for years to create (Wood Rentschler, 2003). These practices must apply to all levels of museum staff, not just those who can provide immediate access. What about those in positions further up in the hierarchy, who have just as much access as well as additional access and power? Their actions must at all times be in accordance with museum policy; in addition, they must adhere to the law—local, national, and international. This is particularly important when it comes to acquisition of properties whose histories may be questionable. To knowingly—or unknowingly—acquire stolen property is anathema, however authentic a piece may be. Any irregularities regarding provenance are a red flag, since a single lapse in judgment can cost a museum its cultural standing as well as its profitability. Alan Shestock, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, explains that museum curators are acquirers. . . . Most of us go into the profession because the desire to accumulate and bring together objects of quality is in our blood. We are personally and professionally devoted to adding to and improving our holdings . . . (Shestock, 1989: 97–98). This kind of passion, paired with the need to keep ones collection top-rate, can cause considerable angst. To know that a particular, highly coveted item is authentic is an exciting enough discovery for a museum professional. To know, furthermore, or to merely suspect, that its origins may be less-than-circumspect, means that this object cannot become a part of the museums holdings. This is not an easy thing to do. Explains Shestock: To consciously or intentionally turn down a highly desirable object we can afford to buy on the basis that we suspect that it might have been removed illegally from its country of origin—and also k nowing that it will end up in the collection of a rival institution or an unscrupulous private collector is a very hard thing to do (1989: 97–98). Edson and Dean point out several situations in which the circumstances may lead to ethically questionable behaviors. First, there are curators whose job responsibilities include researching and writing about the objects in their collections. Curators hired to research and interpret the collection in their care sometimes regard the notes and associated materials that result from this work as their personal property, regardless of the museums ownership of the actual collections objects (Edson Dean, 1994: p. 235). If the funding for this research is solely supplied by the institution, all rights would seem to revert to the museum. However, it is seldom this straightforward, as personal research may be involved as well. The situation becomes further complicated when international objects are involved, as there are several sets of law which much be adhered to in order to maintain high ethical standards. There are other, even more controversial situations, however, many of which result in unavoidable conflicts of interest. With whom should ones loyalty lie? According to Edson and Dean, in the case of curators, loyalty must be first to the institution; to avoid having to resolve the issue, they suggest judicious discrimination in selection of any extracurricular pastimes: activities that conflict with this loyalty or cause curators to favor outside or personal interests over those of their institutions must be avoided (1994: 232). What of gifts that are made directly to a museum professional? This can be confusing, since gifts can cover a range of services. A professional who would never under any circumstance accept a costly creation of artistic work may think nothing at all of accepting other favors, such as discounts. But these, too, must be avoided, and ultimately rejected. Finally, since it is commonly accepted that most individuals do not go into the arts for its lucrative remuneration, there may come times when it is necessary for museum personnel to supplement their incomes with additional paying work. This is particularly complex in cases in which higher-level museum professionals, such as curators, moonlight, or do additional evening or weekend work for pay. Such specialized types of work may bring them into contact with numerous opportunities for temptation, all of which are to be turned down to maintain propriety. Even a distant association with parties who are entangled with any kind of illegal trade can taint that professionals reputation, and therefore the museum itself. And cases like this are more common than most would like to admit—not to mention far-reaching: the illicit traffic in cultural property is, like narcotics, an international problem (Herscher, 1989: p. 118). Art for Profit In their article, Show Me the Monet, Steve Friess and Peter Plagens broach a subject which continues to be a point of contention in the art world. They discuss an agreement between the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the new Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to the agreement, the Boston museum would lend a number of Monets to the Bellagio—for a fee. The tradition of extending loans to one another is long-standing among museums, large and small. The agreement to do so for cash, is less common. Among the loftier institutions, it is practically unheard of. Lending art works for set sums of money puts a new twist on the issue. In return for the loan of Monets, the Bellagio agreed to pay the Museum of Fine Arts a hefty some—at least one million dollars. The traditional cashless quid pro quo for lending art to other museums—OK, well lend you our Picasso if we can borrow your Matisse—had been augmented by lending fees (Friess and Plagens, 2004). This calls into question a number of issues, the most pressing of which seems to be, where does one draw the line? If items which are part of a museums permanent collection are accorded dollar values and made available for that price, can anyone with appropriate funds borrow them? What will this do to the reputations, not only of the museums that engage in this, but to the works of art themselves, and to the notion of cultural heritage in general? Ethics, Profit, and Culture in Dealership In a similar vein, private art dealers have had problems of a slightly different nature over the past few decades. Contemporary notions of an art dealer tend to be unkind. Less-than-savory deals, sly cash transactions, cagy tax evasion: these are what come to mind before the subject of art comes into focus. Art critic Peter Schjeldahl puts it succinctly in his article on art dealership in New York, in which he asserts that popular opinion sees the gallery owner as a stock figure of slinky charlatanry, or worse (2004). Because of this, it is with no small amount of glee that people welcome gossipy tidbits about high-society art dealers being brought down in shady, six-figure stings. People savor the cynical rush of discovering garden-variety greed behind a pose of lofty, intimidating sophistication notes Schjeldahl (2004). But, Schjeldahl points out, no matter what one thinks of an art dealers character, one thing remains constant: good taste. Without it, all the pretension means nothing. In addition, there is a hierarchy among the smaller circle of individual galleries that are also part of the art world. Judging by her record of accomplishment and her reputation in the art world, Marian Goodman seems to embody the highest of standards. First of all, when it comes to discrimination and taste, Goodman seems to have an abundance of both. The reputation of a dealer is of great importance in the art world, despite popular conceptions. Goodman, too, has had to weather the storms of changing times, just as larger, loftier museums have had to do, and she, too, has survived. Among her contemporaries, however, Goodman commands a high level of respect for refusing to follow trends and continuing to maintain her own exemplary standards. She employs what some see as old-fashioned standards in both her selection of gallery site and her selection of artists. For example, her gallery is still located in Manhattan, New York City, despite the mass exodus of galleries to outer boroughs of the metropolis. Furthermore, she has steadfastly remained in the pricier part of Manhattan, in the heart of the theatre district, in the mid-fifties. In his New Yorker article, art critic Peter Schjeldahl explains that Goodman could very easily save money and gain vastly more visibility by relocating to Chelsea . . . (2004, p. 36). However, Goodman refuses to budge, preferring instead the uniqueness of her own more expensive showplace to the identical hives of lower Manhattan. Of course, as a private dealer, she is free of the pressures of a committee of trustees and similar directives. Conclusion The art world is at once a seemingly small and insular community on the one hand, and a global community of vast proportions on the other. What happens in this world affects all parts of it, from the most well endowed museum to the lesser-known private galleries. This paper has attempted to examine how both the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors have managed to survive in the last several decades, adapting to best meet the needs of their patrons while maintaining the integrity and values they hold dear. One thing that is undeniable is reputation: To maintain that reputation at all costs is of vital importance if an institution is to survive and remain a respected part of the art community. Edson and Dean have noted that Objects communicate far beyond the walls of the museum in which they are housed. They influence the appreciation and appearance of objects of everyday use, and the level of respect and understanding for the personal and collective natural and cultural heritage of a people or nation (Edson, 1996, p. 7). The reputation of any building that houses works of art is a priceless commodity, whether it is a huge institution of international reputation, or a small but well-respected gallery with equally high standards of decorum and ethics. The slightest hint of a breach in ethical standards is enough to shake the very foundation of an institution; if the breach itself is, in fact, made known to be fact, it is highly unlikely that it will every regain its former stature, nor command the same level of respect. References Edson, Gary. 2001. Socioexhibitry as Popular Communication. Museum International: July 2001, Vol. 53, Iss. 3, pp. 40–44. Edson, Gary and Dean, David. 1994. The Handbook for Museums. London: Routledge. Feigen, Richard. 2000. Tales from the Art Crypt: The Painters, the Museums, the Curators, the Collectors, the Auctions, the Art. New York: Knopf. Friess, Steve, and Plagens, Peter. 2004. Show Me the Monet. Newsweek. New York, Vol. 143, Iss. 4, p. 60. Herscher, Ellen. 1989. International Control Efforts: Are There Any Good Solutions? In Messenger, P., ed. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 117–128. Messenger, Phyllis, ed. 1989. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. Schjeldahl, Peter. 2004. Dealership: Onward and Upward With the Arts. The New Yorker. New York: Feb. 2, 2004, p. 36. Shestock, Alan. 1989. The Museum and Cultural Property: The Transformation of Institutional Ethics. In Messenger, P., ed. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 93– 102. Wood,Greg, and Rentschler, Ruth. 2003. Ethical behaviour: The Means for Creating and Maintaining Better Reputations in Arts Organisations. Management Decision. London: 2003.Vol. 41, Iss. 5/6, p.528-537.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Human Interactions with Nature in the Rocky Mountain States :: Native Americans Wilderness Papers

Human Interactions with Nature in the Rocky Mountain States Human interaction with the Rocky Mountain States has shifted tremendously since the beginning of recorded history. These changes can be broken down into three phases. The first phase would be the communal posture held by Native Americans. This period of time ran from the Spanish colonization in the 16th century until the era of the mountain man. With the establishment of the United States a new period of exploration for exploitation began. A dramatic shift in human interaction occurred as the economic interests of the mountain men and the United States overrode the communal interests of the Native Americans, indeed, it began to envelop them. The era of exploitation would flourish until the Progressive Movement. The first generation of leaders to see the footprint left by the over-harvest of natural resources would start the shift in policy to one of sustainability. This shift has continued at different rates of change all the way through the modern era. The Native American tribes of the American Rocky Mountain States were long characterized as being homogenous with little difference between them. In reality they are as diverse as European states, but like Europeans the religions that shaped their actions held a common theme. â€Å"[A]ll their religions had important characteristics in common†¦ the Indian visionaries felt the universe about them and dedicated themselves to keeping man’s world in balance with the cosmos... All of them sought to communicate with the powers of nature.† (Hurdy 14) The words of Hopi chiefs and elders, declared in 1951, are true for all tribes: â€Å"Our land, our religion, and our life are one.† (Martin 15) This communal living was sustainable and based upon the indigenous plants and animals, especially the bison herds which spread across the prairie like waves on an ocean. â€Å"Oglala Sioux spiritual leader Black Elk†¦ recalled that his people ‘were happy in [their] own country, and were seldom hungry, for then the two-leggeds and the four-leggeds lived together like relatives, and there was plenty for them and for us.† (Spence 3) Native Americans saw a special sanctity in taking anything from the earth. The Hopi Indians, for example â€Å"express[ed] regret to the hunted animal that they must take its life to sustain their own with the substance of its flesh.† (Hurdy 19) Ruth Underhill writes that the Naskapi saw â€Å"Hunting [as] a holy occupation†¦ [but] so was the gathering of plants, the cutting of trees, even the digging of clay.

The Skeleton in the Dog Wood Essay -- Literary Analysis, Rash

The poem, â€Å"The Skeleton in the Dogwood† by Ron Rash, dramatizes the conflict between love and how easily that love can be shattered, as demonstrated by two lovers who, while taking a walk in spring, find a skeleton hanging in a dogwood tree. The lovers get the town’s sheriff, however, he cannot figure out who the person was, who killed him, or why. So the sheriff helps the lovers bury the bones and moves on. In the winter the lovers get married and on their wedding night they dream about the dead man with â€Å"spring flowers† (15) in his hand. The first stanza tells of the lovers finding the skeleton in the dogwood branches. The stanza uses the words â€Å"promised blessing† (2) to describe what a new spring, just like a new love, brings to people. However, neither spring nor love nor anything else is perfect. The skeleton is in stark contrast to the rebirth and new life that is associated with spring, but it exists just like problems will always exist in lovers’ relationships. People go looking for the beauty of spring, like lovers try their best to make their love last, but sometimes they find dead animals or, in this case, a skeleton, and sometimes love doesn’t last. Line two and three are â€Å"more than spring’s promised blessing; on new beginnings hanging†. Using the word hanging demonstrates how the promises of spring, and more importantly love, are very fragile gifts that can easily fall off the tree, that is their life, and disappear from a person forever. If lovers want their love to last they should not shake the tree, or test their love, but simply let it be. Hanging also creates a very ugly image with almost anyone, whether they think of people being hanged or meat hanging in a freezer like in Rocky, very few people can get a pos... do not need to know them so you are not told them. â€Å"The Skeleton in the Dogwood† does not try to be a confusing poem. â€Å"The Skeleton in the Dogwood† starts so lovely with a couple taking a walk on a spring day. Suddenly, a mysterious skeleton creates a shift in the tone of the poem. However, the tone quickly shifts back to being pleasant when the lovers decide to treat the skeleton as one of their own and give him a funeral. For their efforts the lovers are blessed on their wedding night by the dead man. The poem goes through the same stages of a struggling relationship. At first, everything is great and new and exciting and nothing can go wrong. Eventually troubles emerge, but for the couple that puts the effort into fixing their relationship the darkness, like the dark tone of the poem, will disappear and the original wonders of the relationship will return.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hagar is to Blame for her own Misfurtune in Margaret Lawrences The Stone Angel :: essays research papers

It is impossible to avoid unpleasant situations throughout an individual’s lifetime, especially if they are a result of bad luck or another combination of events beyond one’s control. Misfortune however can also be self-inflicted. This particular case is apparent in Margaret Lawrence’s The Stone Angel, a novel in which the protagonist, Hagar Shipley’s continuous misfortune is a direct result of several of her character flaws. An exaggerated sense of pride, a lack of compassion and empathy and an inability to communicate clearly are Hagar’s most prominent character flaws, and perpetually bring about misfortune. Many of Hagar’s relationships have been hindered, or have eventually deteriorated as a result of her exaggerated sense of pride. Because of this her misfortune in relationships is self inflicted, as she decides consciously or unconsciously to sustain her pride rather than her relationships. When Hagar decides to marry Brampton Shipley, a man thought to be unsuitable for someone of her social status, her father literally forbids her to wed. He tells Hagar that his thoughts are solely for her welfare and that to marry without a fathers consent is simply not done. More to spite him rather than to defend her personal conviction, Hagar says â€Å"It’ll be done by me.† (Laurence 49). This defiant and rash remark results in the loss of her father’s relationship, and the loss of of her sound financial future, as Hagar is left no money in her father’s will. Her decision is clearly based on pride. Similar behavior is seen throughout the novel. Another unattractive personality trait of Hagar’s is her insensitivity to others. Hagar consistently focuses on herself and does not empathize with others in a situation, regardless of their difficult circumstances. This is destructive to her relationships. Individuals would not feel as if they mattered. This lack of empathy also explains her inability to generate new relationships. An example is when Hagar’s son Marvin and daughter in law Doris, confront Hagar about their inadequate physical or emotional capabilities to care for her. They then suggest she move into a retirement home. After a long argument, Hagar is reduced to tears. Marvin and Doris are then distressed - Hagar simply says â€Å"Good. They’re frightened. I hope they’re scared to death.† (Lawrence 77). This lack of empathy causes Hagar’s insensitivity to Doris even though Doris herself is not in prime physical condition.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Integrating Mcdonald’s Business Essay

Abstract In this case study I will describe McDonald’s business strategy and how it differentiates itself from the competition and describe the roots that make the foundations of its competitive advantage. I will uncover how they have aligned their business, human resources and staffing strategies and been successful through a recession. Finally I will discuss some possible talent-related threats that could eat away at McDonald’s competitive advantage and answer the question about a high turnover rate in a tight labor market being a problem. I will offer a recommendation based on my research for McDonald’s to maintain their competitive edge in the marketplace for the next five years. Integrating McDonald’s Business, Human Resource, and Staffing Strategies How does a multinational company like McDonald’s actually become even stronger and increase sales through one of the worst recessions in history? McDonald’s is built on a foundation that gives it a competitive advantage and a business strategy that is consistent, flexible, and specialized. McDonald’s business strategy is the specialization strategy. According to Phillips & Gully (2009), â€Å"Businesses pursuing a specialization strategy focus on a narrow market segment or niche- a single product, a particular end use, or buyers with special needs-and pursue either a differentiation or cost-leadership strategy within that market segment. Successful businesses following a specialist strategy know their market segment very well, and often enjoy a high degree of customer loyalty† ( pg. 29, para 5.) McDonald’s niche market is people, how do people and their needs and wants become the roots of a company’s competitive advantage? Kiran Chetry at CNN had a discussion with the Vice president of strategy and menu at McDonald’s and this is what she said about what changed with McDonald’s â€Å"Well, there  are two things that’s really attributed to McDonald’s success. First and foremost, listening to our customers, its menu variety, its value and affordable prices at McDonald’s and the convenience that only McDonald’s can offer. The other piece is our system alignment around one plan. You know, under the arches we have a term called the three-legged stool. It’s our franchisees, our suppliers and our corporate staff working together. Those are the two things that have worked for McDonald’s and our success.† (Chetry, 2009, para 7.) The way they are able to fuse their business, human resource and staffing strategies is by tracking key indicators. Indicators that track product, service quality, speed, accuracy, turnover, productivity, customer satisfaction, sales and profitability are the keys to a successful strategy. An article written by Janet Adamy for The Wall Street Journal stated â€Å"McDonald’s has been on a roll since 2003, when, to get out of a slump, it halted rapid expansion and instead focused on improving the food. (Adamy, 2009, para 11.) she goes on to say â€Å"Behind the effort is an increased focus on examining reams of customer data measuring everything from whether customers are trading down to smaller value meals or dropping Cokes from their orders to exactly how much they’re willing to pay for a Big Mac.† (Adamy, 2009, para 13.) McDonald’s has refocused its efforts and realized the importance of providing customers with quality food in a clean and organized environment with quick service at an affordable price. To bring all these things to their customers they need quality staff and they have built a strategy of hiring internally from referrals and marketing jobs in their restaurants. Now that the worst has seemed to pass with regards to the recession, the reality is that there could be some real talent-related threats to their labor pool. To keep a competitive advantage to offset possible turnover as more jobs open up and the labor market eventually tightens up the company has to find an incentive to keep the young and older potential applicants from going elsewhere and also retaining the quality of employees that they have. The best way for a brand like McDonalds to attract and keep quality individuals is to offer incentives for growth within the company through education and leadership training. If they can open the window for ownership through a system of mentorship and promotion, the old stigma of getting a job â€Å"flipping burgers† becomes more like an apprenticeship in entrepreneurial opportunities that every employee will  embrace. If an employee doesn’t want to eventually own a franchise but wants to lean on becoming and going into management within the company, a succession of internal promotions based on merit, longevity, production, and talent reviews would also be available for these types of employees. McDonalds is doing the right things when it comes to changing their menu and food and beverage selection to accommodate the needs of their customers. This has helped the company grow its net income from over 1 billion dollars in 2003 to over 4 billion dollars in 2008. (Adamy, 2009, para 15) The intricate parts and components of the people that McDonalds hires and the way they train them to keep the service and quality at the standards that they nee d to be at to be successful are the keys of success for this business and any business for that matter. References Adamy, Janet (2009). McDonald’s Seeks Way To Keep Sizzling. The WallStreet Journal.Digital Network, March 10, 2009. Retrieved from Phillips, J. & Gully, S. (2009). Strategic staffing. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall Chetry, Kiran (2009). Food for thought: Why is McDonald’s thriving? CNN.COM, March 18, 2009. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Spirit Bound Chapter Twenty-Five

I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE anyone after that. I trekked back to my room as quickly as I could, hardly noticing the obstacles and people in my path. Over and over, Dimitri's words played in my head: Love fades. Mine has. Somehow, that was the worst thing he could have said. Don't get me wrong: The rest wasn't easy either. Having him tell me he was going to avoid me and ignore our past relationship made me feel awful too. Yet, within that, no matter how much it hurt, was the tiny hope that there was still some spark of love between us. That he still loved me. But†¦ love fades. That was something else altogether. It meant that what we had would die, going pale until it crumbled and drifted away like dried up leaves in the wind. The thought of it caused a pain in my chest and stomach, and I curled up on my bed, wrapping my arms around myself as though that might lessen the hurt. I couldn't accept what he had said. I couldn't accept that somehow, after his ordeal, his love for me had gone away. I wanted to stay in my room for the rest of the day, curled up in the darkness of my covers. I forgot about Sydney's conversation and my earlier concerns about Lissa's dad. I even let go of Lissa herself. She had a few errands today, but every so often, a message would flit to me through the bond: Come join me? When I didn't contact her, she began to grow worried. I was suddenly afraid that she–or someone else–might come seeking me in my room. So I decided to leave. I had no real destination; I just had to keep moving. I walked around the Court, scouting places I'd never seen before. It was filled with more statues and fountains than I'd realized. Their beauty was lost on me, though, and when I returned to my room hours later, I was exhausted from all the walking. Oh well. At least I'd dodged having to talk to anyone. Or had I? It was late, past my usual bedtime, when a knock came at my door. I was hesitant to answer. Who would be coming by so late? Did I want the distraction or did I want to keep my solitude? I had no idea who it could be, save that it wasn't Lissa. God. For all I knew, it was Hans, demanding to know why I hadn't been showing up for my work detail. After much thinking (and more persistent knocking), I decided to open it. It was Adrian. â€Å"Little dhampir,† he said with a small, weary smile. â€Å"You look like you've seen a ghost.† Not a ghost, exactly. Believe me, I knew ghosts when I saw them. â€Å"I just†¦ I just didn't really expect to see you after this morning†¦.† He entered and sat down on my bed, and I was glad to see he'd cleaned up since our earlier talk. He wore fresh clothes, and his hair was back to its normal perfection. I still caught the lingering scent of cloves, but after what I'd put him through, he was entitled to his vices. â€Å"Yeah, well, I didn't expect to come by either,† he admitted. â€Å"But you†¦ well†¦ you got me thinking about something.† I sat down beside him, keeping a healthy distance. â€Å"Us?† â€Å"No. Lissa.† â€Å"Oh.† I'd accused Dimitri of being egotistic, but here I was, naturally assuming love for me was all that could have driven Adrian over. His green eyes turned speculative. â€Å"I kept thinking about what you'd said, about her dad. And you were right–right about the gambling thing. He'd have the money to pay off any debt. He wouldn't have had to keep it a secret. So I went and asked my mom.† â€Å"What?† I exclaimed. â€Å"No one's supposed to know that–â€Å" â€Å"Yeah, yeah, I figured your information had been top secret. Don't worry. I told her that when we were in Vegas, we heard some people talking about it–about Lissa's dad making secret deposits.† â€Å"What'd she say?† â€Å"The same thing I did. Well, actually, she snapped at me first. She said Eric Dragomir was a good man and that I shouldn't spread rumors about the dead. She suggested that maybe he had a gambling problem, but if so, people shouldn't focus on that, when he did so many great things. After the Death Watch, I think she's afraid of me causing more public scenes.† â€Å"She's right. About Eric,† I said. Maybe someone had stolen those records as some part of a slander campaign. Admittedly, spreading rumors about the dead was pointless, but maybe someone wanted to blacken the Dragomir reputation and get rid of any chance of the voting law being changed for Lissa? I was about to say as much to Adrian when he interrupted with something even more shocking. â€Å"And then my dad overheard us, and he was like, ‘He was probably funding some mistress. You're right–he was a nice guy. But he liked to flirt. And he liked the ladies.'† Adrian rolled his eyes. â€Å"That's a direct quote: ‘He liked the ladies.' My dad is such an ass. He sounds twice his age.† I gripped Adrian's arm without realizing it. â€Å"What did he say after that?† Adrian shrugged but left my hand where it was. â€Å"Nothing. My mom got mad and said the same thing to him that she said to me, that it was cruel to spread stories no one could prove.† â€Å"Do you think it's true? Do you think Lissa's dad had a mistress? Was that what he was paying out for?† â€Å"Don't know, little dhampir. Honestly? My dad's the type who would jump on any rumor he could. Or make one up. I mean, we know Lissa's dad liked to party. It's easy to jump to conclusions from there. Probably he had some dirty secret. Hell, we all do. Maybe whoever stole those files just wanted to exploit that.† I told him my theory about it being used against Lissa. â€Å"Or,† I said, reconsidering, â€Å"maybe someone who supports her took it. So that it wouldn't get out.† Adrian nodded. â€Å"Either way, I don't think Lissa's in mortal danger.† He started to rise, and I pulled him back. â€Å"Adrian, wait†¦ I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I swallowed. â€Å"I wanted to apologize. The way I've been treating you, what I've been doing†¦ it wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry.† He looked away from me, eyes focused on the ground. â€Å"You can't help the way you feel.† â€Å"The thing is†¦ I don't know how I feel. And that sounds stupid, but it's the truth. I care about Dimitri. I was stupid to think I'd be unaffected by him being back. But I realize now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Love fades. Mine has. â€Å"I realize now that it's over with him. I'm not saying that's easy to get past. It'll take a while, and I'd be lying to both of us if I said it wouldn't.† â€Å"That makes sense,† Adrian said. â€Å"It does?† He glanced at me, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. â€Å"Yes, little dhampir. Sometimes you make sense. Go on.† â€Å"I†¦ well, like I said†¦ I've got to heal from him. But I do care about you†¦. I think I even love you a little.† That got a small smile. â€Å"I want to try again. I really do. I like having you in my life, but I may have jumped into things too soon before. You don't have any reason to want me after the way I've dragged you around, but if you want to get together again, then I want to.† He studied me for a long time, and my breath caught. I'd meant what I said: He had every right to end things with us†¦ and yet, the thought that he might terrified me. At last, he pulled me against him and lay back against the bed. â€Å"Rose, I have all sorts of reasons to want you. I haven't been able to stay away from you since I saw you at the ski lodge.† I shifted closer to Adrian on the bed and pressed my head against his chest. â€Å"We can make this work. I know we can. If I screw up again, you can leave.† â€Å"If only it were that easy,† he laughed. â€Å"You forget: I have an addictive personality. I'm addicted to you. Somehow I think you could do all sorts of bad things to me, and I'd still come back to you. Just keep things honest, okay? Tell me what you're feeling. If you're feeling something for Dimitri that's confusing you, tell me. We'll work it out.† I wanted to tell him that–regardless of my feelings–he had nothing to worry about with Dimitri because Dimitri had rejected me a number of times now. I could chase after Dimitri all I wanted, and it wouldn't do any good. Love fades. Those words still stung, and I couldn't bear to give voice to that pain. But as Adrian held me and I thought about how understanding he was about all of this, some wounded part of me acknowledged that the opposite was true as well: Love grows. I would try with him. I really would. I sighed. â€Å"You're not supposed to be this wise. You're supposed to be shallow and unreasonable and†¦ and†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He pressed a kiss to my forehead. â€Å"And?† â€Å"Mmm†¦ ridiculous.† â€Å"Ridiculous I can manage. And the others†¦ but only on special occasions.† We were wrapped close together now, and I tilted my head to study him, the high cheekbones and artfully messy hair that made him so gorgeous. I remembered his mother's words, that regardless of what we wanted, he and I would eventually have to part ways. Maybe this was how my life was going to be. I'd always lose the men I loved. I pulled him hard against me, kissing his mouth with a force that caught even him by surprise. If I had learned anything about life and love, it was that they were tenuous things that could end at any moment. Caution was essential–but not at the cost of wasting your life. I decided I wasn't going to waste it now. My hands were already tugging at Adrian's shirt before that thought was fully formed. He didn't question it or hesitate in taking my clothes off in return. He might have moments of profoundness and understanding, but he was still†¦ well, Adrian. Adrian lived his life in the now, doing the things he wanted without much second-guessing. And he had wanted me for a very long time. He was also very good at this sort of thing, which was why my clothes came off faster than his. His lips were hot and eager against my throat, but he was careful to never once let his fangs brush my skin. I was a little less gentle, surprising myself when I dug my nails into the bare skin of his back. His lips moved lower, tracing the line of my collarbone while he deftly took off my bra one-handed. I was a little astonished at my body's reaction as we both fought to get the other's jeans off first. I'd convinced myself that I'd never want sex again after Dimitri, but right now? Oh, I wanted it. Maybe it was some psychological reaction to Dimitri's rejection. Maybe it was an impulse to live for the moment. Maybe it was love for Adrian. Or maybe it was just lust. Whatever it was, it made me powerless beneath his hands and mouth, which seemed intent on exploring every part of me. The only time he paused was when all my clothes were finally off and I lay there naked with him. He was almost naked too, but I hadn't quite gotten to his boxers yet. (They were silk because, honestly, what else would Adrian wear?). He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes filled with intensity and desire–and a bit of wonder. â€Å"What are you, Rose Hathaway? Are you real? You're a dream within a dream. I'm afraid touching you will make me wake up. You'll disappear.† I recognized a little of the poetic trance he sometimes fell into, the spells that made me wonder if he was catching a little of the spirit-induced madness. â€Å"Touch me and find out,† I said, drawing him to me. He didn't hesitate again. The last of his clothes came off, and my whole body heated at the feel of his skin and the way his hands slid over me. My physical needs were rapidly trampling over any logic and reason. There was no thought, just us, and the fierce urgency bringing us together. I was all burning need and desire and sensation and– â€Å"Oh, shit.† It came out as kind of a mumble since we'd been kissing, our lips eagerly seeking out the other's. With guardian reflexes, I barely managed to shift away, just as our hips started to come together. Losing the feel of him was shocking to me, more so for him. He was stunned, simply staring in astonishment as I wriggled further from him and finally managed a sitting position on the bed. â€Å"What†¦ what's wrong? Did you change your mind?† â€Å"We need protection first,† I said. â€Å"Do you have any condoms?† He processed this for a few seconds and then sighed. â€Å"Rose, only you would pick this instant to remember that.† That was a fair point. My timing kind of sucked. Still, it was better than remembering it afterward. In spite of my body's rampant desire–and it was still there, believe me–I suddenly had a startling, vivid image of Dimitri's sister Karolina. I'd met her in Siberia, and she'd had a baby that was about six months old. The baby was adorable, as babies often are, but by God, she had been so much work. Karolina had a waitressing job, and as soon as she was home from that, her attention went to the baby. When she was at work, Dimitri's mother took care of the baby. And the baby always needed something: food, changing, rescue from choking on a small object. His sister Sonya had been on the verge of having a baby too, and with the way I'd left things with his youngest sister, Viktoria, I wouldn't be surprised to find she was pregnant before long. Huge life changes made from small, careless actions. So I was pretty confident I didn't want a baby in my life right now, not this young. With Dimitri, it hadn't been a concern, thanks to dhampir infertility. With Adrian? It was an issue, as was the fact that while disease was rare among both our races, I wasn't the first girl Adrian had been with. Or the second. Or the third†¦ â€Å"So do you have any?† I asked impatiently. Just because I was in responsible mode, it didn't mean I wanted sex any less. â€Å"Yes,† said Adrian, sitting up as well. â€Å"Back in my bedroom.† We stared at each other. His bedroom was far away, over in the Moroi section of Court. He slid nearer, putting his arm around me and nibbling my earlobe. â€Å"The odds of anything bad happening are pretty low.† I closed my eyes and tipped my head back against him. He wrapped his hands around my hips and stroked my skin. â€Å"What are you, a doctor?† I asked. He laughed softly, his mouth kissing the spot just behind my ear. â€Å"No. I'm just someone willing to take a risk. You can't tell me you don't want this.† I opened my eyes and pulled away so that I could look at him directly. He was right. I did want this. Very, very badly. And the part of me–which was pretty much all of me–that burned with lust was attempting to win me over. The odds probably were low, right? Weren't there people who tried forever to get pregnant and couldn't? My desire had an okay argument, so it was kind of a surprise when my logic won. â€Å"I can't take the risk,† I said. Now Adrian studied me, and at last, he nodded. â€Å"Okay. Another time then. Tonight we'll be†¦ responsible.† â€Å"That's all you're going to say?† He frowned. â€Å"What else would I say? You said no.† â€Å"But you†¦ you could have compelled me.† Now he was really astonished. â€Å"Do you want me to compel you?† â€Å"No. Of course not. It just occurred to me that†¦ well, that you could have.† Adrian cupped my face in his hands. â€Å"Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquor for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want. Certainly not this–â€Å" His words were cut off because I'd pressed myself against him and started kissing him again. Surprise must have kept him from doing anything right away, but soon, he pushed me away with what seemed like great reluctance. â€Å"Little dhampir,† he said dryly, â€Å"if you want to be responsible, this is not a good way to do it.† â€Å"We don't have to let this go. And we can be responsible.† â€Å"All of those stories are–â€Å" He came screeching to a halt when I tossed my hair out of the way and offered my neck to him. I managed to turn slightly so that I could meet his eyes, but I said nothing. I didn't have to. The invitation was obvious. â€Å"Rose†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he said uncertainly–though I could see the longing spring up in his face. Drinking blood wasn't the same as sex, but it was a yearning all vampires had, and doing it while aroused–so I'd heard–was a mind-blowing experience. It was also taboo and hardly ever done, so people claimed. It was where the definition of blood whore had originated: dhampirs who gave their blood during sex. The idea of dhampirs yielding blood at all was considered disgraceful, but I'd done it before: with Lissa when she needed food and with Dimitri when he'd been Strigoi. And it had been glorious. He tried again, his voice steadier this time. â€Å"Rose, do you know what you're asking?† â€Å"Yes,† I said firmly. I gently ran a finger along his lips and then slipped in to touch his fangs. I threw his own words back at him. â€Å"You can't tell me you don't want this.† He did want it. In a heartbeat, his mouth was at my neck and his fangs were piercing my skin. I cried out at the sudden pain, a sound that softened to a moan as the endorphins that came with every vampire bite flooded into me. An exquisite bliss consumed me. He pulled me hard against him as he drank, almost onto his lap, pressing my back against his chest. I was distantly aware of his hands all over me again, of his lips upon my throat. Mostly, all I knew was that I was drowning in pure, ecstatic sweetness. The perfect high. When he pulled away, it was like losing part of myself. Like being incomplete. Confused, needing him back, I reached for him. He gently pushed my hand away, smiling as he licked his lips. â€Å"Careful, little dhampir. I went longer than I should have. You could probably grow wings and fly off right now.† It actually didn't sound like a bad idea. In a few more moments, though, the intense, crazy part of the high faded, and I settled back to myself. I still felt wonderful and dizzy; the endorphins had fed my body's desire. My reasoning slowly came back to me, allowing (kind of) coherent thought to penetrate that happy haze. When Adrian was convinced I was sober enough, he relaxed and lay down on the bed. I joined him a moment later, curling up against his side. He seemed as content as I was. â€Å"That,† he mused, â€Å"was the best not-sex ever.† My only response was a sleepy smile. It was late, and the more I crashed down from the endorphin rush, the drowsier I felt. Some tiny part of me said that even though I'd wanted this and cared about Adrian, the whole act had been wrong. I hadn't done it for the right reasons, instead letting myself get carried away by my own grief and confusion. The rest of me decided that wasn't true, and the nagging voice soon faded into exhaustion. I fell asleep against Adrian, getting the best night of sleep I'd had in a long time. I wasn't entirely surprised that I was able to get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and even blow-dry my hair without Adrian waking up. My friends and I had spent many a morning trying to drag him out of bed in the past. Hungover or sober, he was a heavy sleeper. I spent more time on my hair than I had in a while. The telltale mark of a vampire bite was fresh on my neck. So I wore my hair down, careful to style it with a part so that the long waves hung heavy on the bite side. Satisfied the bruise would stay camouflaged, I pondered what to do next. In an hour or so, the Council was going to listen to arguments from factions with varying ideas on the new age decree, Moroi fighting, and the Dragomir vote. Provided they let me in the hall, I had no intention of missing the debates on the hottest issues in our world right now. I didn't want to wake up Adrian, though. He was tangled up in my sheets and slept peacefully. If I woke him up, I'd feel obligated to stick around while he got ready. Through the bond, I felt Lissa sitting alone at a cafe table. I wanted to see her and have breakfast, so I decided Adrian could fend for himself. I left him a note about where I was, told him the door would lock on his way out, and drew lots of x's and o's. When I was halfway to the cafe, though, I sensed something that ruined my breakfast plan. Christian had sat down with Lissa. â€Å"Well, well,† I muttered. With everything else going on, I hadn't paid much attention to Lissa's personal life. After what had happened at the warehouse, I wasn't entirely surprised to see them together, though her feelings told me there had been no romantic reconciliation†¦ yet. This was an uneasy attempt at friendship, a chance to get over their constant jealousy and distrust. Far be it from me to intrude on love at work. I knew another place near the guardians' buildings that also had coffee and doughnuts. It would do, provided no one there remembered that I was technically still on probation and had made a scene in a royal hall. The odds on that probably weren't good. Still, I decided to give it a try and headed over, eyeing the overcast sky uneasily. Rain wouldn't help my mood any. When I got to the cafe, I discovered I didn't have to worry about anyone paying attention to me. There was a bigger draw: Dimitri. He was out with his personal guard, and even though I was glad he had some freedom, the attitude that he needed close watching still angered me. At least there was no giant crowd today. People who came in for breakfast couldn't help but stare, but few lingered. He had five guardians with him this time, which was a significant reduction. That was a good sign. He sat alone at a table, coffee and a half-eaten glazed doughnut in front of him. He was reading a paperback novel that I would have bet my life was a Western. No one sat with him. His escort simply maintained a ring of protection, a couple near the walls, one at the entrance, and two at nearby tables. The security seemed pointless. Dimitri was completely engrossed in his book, oblivious to the guards and occasional spectators–or he was simply making a good show of not caring. He seemed very harmless, but Adrian's words came back to me. Was there any Strigoi left in him? Some dark part? Dimitri himself claimed he still carried the piece that prevented him from ever truly loving anyone. He and I had always had this uncanny awareness of each other. In a crowded room, I could always find him. And in spite of his preoccupation with the book, he looked up when I walked toward the cafe's counter. Our eyes met for a millisecond. There was no expression on his face†¦ and yet, I had the feeling he was waiting for something. Me, I realized with a start. Despite everything, despite our fight in the church†¦ he still thought I would pursue and make some pledge of my love. Why? Did he just expect me to be that unreasonable? Or was it possible†¦ was it possible he wanted me to approach him? Well, whatever the reason, I decided I wouldn't give it to him. He'd hurt me too many times already. He'd told me to stay away, and if that was all part of some elaborate game to toy with my feelings, I wasn't going to play. I gave him a haughty look and turned away sharply as I walked up to the counter. I ordered chai and a chocolate eclair. After a moment's consideration, I ordered a second eclair. I had a feeling it was going to be one of those days. My plan had been to eat outside, but as I glanced toward the tinted windows, I could just barely make out the pattern of raindrops hitting the panes. Damn. I briefly considered fighting the weather and going somewhere else with my food, but I decided I wasn't going to let Dimitri scare me off. Spying a table far from him, I headed toward it, going out of my way not to look at or acknowledge him. â€Å"Hey Rose. Are you going to the Council today?† I came to a halt. One of Dimitri's guardians had spoken, giving me a friendly smile as he did. I couldn't recall the guy's name, but he'd seemed nice whenever we passed each other. I didn't want to be rude, and so, reluctantly, I answered back–even though it meant staying near Dimitri. â€Å"Yup,† I said, making sure my attention was only on the guardian. â€Å"Just grabbing a bite before I do.† â€Å"Are they going to let you in?† asked another of the guardians. He too was smiling. For a moment, I thought they were mocking my last outburst. But no†¦ that wasn't it. Their faces showed approval. â€Å"That's an excellent question,† I admitted. I took a bite of my eclair. â€Å"But I figure I should give it a try. I'll also try to be on good behavior.† The first guardian chuckled. â€Å"I certainly hope not. That group deserves all the grief you can give them over that stupid age law.† The other guardians nodded. â€Å"What age law?† asked Dimitri. Reluctantly, I looked over at him. As always, he swept my breath away. Stop it, Rose, I scolded myself. You're mad at him, remember? And now you've chosen Adrian. â€Å"The decree where royals think sending sixteen-year-old dhampirs out to fight Strigoi is the same as sending eighteen-year-olds,† I said. I took another bite. Dimitri's head shot up so quickly, I nearly choked on my food. â€Å"Which sixteen-year-olds are fighting Strigoi?† His guardians tensed but did nothing else. It took me a moment to get the bite of eclair down. When I could finally speak, I was almost afraid to. â€Å"That's the decree. Dhampirs graduate when they're sixteen now.† â€Å"When did this happen?† he demanded. â€Å"Just the other day. No one told you?† I glanced over at the other guardians. One of them shrugged. I had the impression that they might believe Dimitri was truly a dhampir but that they weren't ready to get chatty with him. His only other social contact would have been Lissa and his interrogators. â€Å"No.† Dimitri's brow furrowed as he pondered the news. I ate my eclair in silence, hoping it would push him to talk more. It did. â€Å"That's insane,† he said. â€Å"Morality aside, they aren't ready that young. It's suicide.† â€Å"I know. Tasha gave a really good argument against it. I did too.† Dimitri gave me a suspicious look at that last part, particularly when a couple of his guardians smiled. â€Å"Was it a close vote?† he asked. He spoke to me interrogation style, in the serious and focused way that had so defined him as a guardian. It was a lot better than depression, I decided. It was also better than him telling me to go away. â€Å"Very close. If Lissa could have voted, it wouldn't have passed.† â€Å"Ah,† he said, playing with the edges of his coffee cup. â€Å"The quorum.† â€Å"You know about that?† I asked in surprise. â€Å"It's an old Moroi law.† â€Å"So I hear.† â€Å"What's the opposition trying to do? Sway the Council back or get Lissa the Dragomir vote?† â€Å"Both. And other things.† He shook his head, tucking some hair behind his ear. â€Å"They can't do that. They need to pick one cause and throw their weight behind it. Lissa's the smartest choice. The Council needs the Dragomirs back, and I've seen the way people look at her when they put me on display.† Only the slightest edge of bitterness laced his words, indicating how he felt about that. Then it was back to business. â€Å"It wouldn't be hard to get support for that–if they don't divide their efforts.† I started in on my second eclair, forgetting about my earlier resolution to ignore him. I didn't want to distract him from the topic. It was the first thing that had brought the old fire back to his eyes, the only thing he seemed truly interested in–well, aside from pledging lifelong devotion to Lissa and telling me to stay out of his life. I liked this Dimitri. It was the same Dimitri from long ago, the fierce one who was willing to risk his life for what was right. I almost wished he'd go back to being annoying, distant Dimitri, the one who told me to stay away. Seeing him now brought back too many memories–not to mention the attraction I thought I'd smashed. Now, with that passion all over him, he seemed sexier than ever. He'd worn that same intensity when we'd fought together. Even when we'd had sex. This was the way Dimitri was supposed to be: powerful and in charge. I was glad and yet†¦ seeing him the way I loved only made my heart feel that much worse. He was lost to me. If Dimitri guessed my feelings, he didn't show it. He looked squarely at me, and, like always, the power of that gaze wrapped around me. â€Å"The next time you see Tasha, will you send her to me? We need to talk about this.† â€Å"So, Tasha can be your friend, but not me?† The sharp words were out before I could stop them. I flushed, embarrassed that I'd lapsed in front of the other guardians. Dimitri apparently didn't want an audience either. He looked up at the one who had initially addressed me. â€Å"Is there any way we could have some privacy?† His escort exchanged looks, and then, almost as one being, they stepped back. It wasn't a considerable distance, and they still maintained a ring around Dimitri. Nonetheless, it was enough that all of our conversation wouldn't be overheard. Dimitri turned back to me. I sat down. â€Å"You and Tasha have completely different situations. She can safely be in my life. You can't.† â€Å"And yet,† I said with an angry toss of my hair, â€Å"it's apparently okay for me to be in your life when it's convenient–say, like, running errands or passing messages.† â€Å"It doesn't really seem like you need me in your life,† he noted dryly, inclining his head slightly toward my right shoulder. It took me a moment to grasp what had happened. In tossing my hair, I'd exposed my neck–and the bite. I tried not to blush again, knowing I had nothing to feel embarrassed about. I pushed the hair back. â€Å"That's none of your business,† I hissed, hoping the other guardians hadn't seen. â€Å"Exactly.† He sounded triumphant. â€Å"Because you need to live your own life, far away from me.† â€Å"Oh, for God's sake,† I exclaimed. â€Å"Will you stop with the–â€Å" My eyes lifted from his face because an army suddenly descended upon us. Okay, it wasn't exactly an army, but it might as well have been. One minute it was just Dimitri, me, and his security, and then suddenly–the room was swarming with guardians. And not just any guardians. They wore the black-and-white outfits guardians often did for formal occasions, but a small red button on their collars marked them as guardians specifically attached to the queen's guard. There had to be at least twenty of them. They were lethal and deadly, the best of the best. Throughout history, assassins who had attacked monarchs had found themselves quickly taken down by the royal guard. They were walking death–and they were all gathering around us. Dimitri and I both shot up, unsure what was happening but certain the threat here was directed at us. His table and its chairs were between us, but we still immediately fell into the standard fighting stance when surrounded by enemies: Go back-to-back. Dimitri's security wore ordinary clothing and seemed a bit astonished to see their brethren, but with guardian efficiency, the escort promptly joined the advancing queen's guard. There were no more smiles or jokes. I wanted to throw myself in front of Dimitri, but in this situation, it was kind of difficult. â€Å"You need to come with us right now,† one of the queen's guards said. â€Å"If you resist, we'll take you by force.† â€Å"Leave him alone!† I yelled, looking from face to face. That angry darkness exploded within me. How could they still not believe? Why were they still coming after him? â€Å"He hasn't done anything! Why can't you guys accept that he's really a dhampir now?† The man who'd spoken arched an eyebrow. â€Å"I wasn't talking to him.† â€Å"You're†¦ you're here for me?† I asked. I tried to think of any new spectacles I might have caused recently. I considered the crazy idea that the queen had found out I'd spent the night with Adrian and was pissed off about it. That was hardly enough to send the palace guard for me, though†¦ or was it? Had I really gone too far with my antics? â€Å"What for?† demanded Dimitri. That tall, wonderful body of his–the one that could be so sensual sometimes–was filled with tension and menace now. The man kept his gaze on me, ignoring Dimitri. â€Å"Don't make me repeat myself: Come with us quietly, or we will make you.† The glimmer of handcuffs showed in his hands. My eyes went wide. â€Å"That's crazy! I'm not going anywhere until you tell me how the hell this–â€Å" That was the point at which they apparently decided I wasn't coming quietly. Two of the royal guardians lunged for me, and even though we technically worked for the same side, my instincts kicked in. I didn't understand anything here except that I would not be dragged away like some kind of master criminal. I shoved the chair I'd been sitting in earlier at one of the guardians and aimed a punch at the other. It was a sloppy throw, made worse because he was taller than me. That height difference allowed me to dodge his next grab, and when I kicked hard at his legs, a small grunt told me I'd hit home. I heard a few scattered screams. The people working at the cafe ducked behind their counter like they expected automatic weapons to come out. The other patrons who'd been eating breakfast hurriedly sprang from their tables, heedlessly knocking over food and dishes. They ran for the exits–exits that were blocked by still more guardians. This brought more screams, even though the exits were being cut off because of me. Meanwhile, other guardians were joining the fray. Although I got a couple of good punches in, I knew the numbers were too overwhelming. One guardian caught hold of my arm and began trying to put the cuffs on me. He stopped when another set of hands grabbed me from the other side and jerked me away. Dimitri. â€Å"Don't touch her,† he growled. There was a note in his voice that would have scared me if it had been directed toward me. He shoved me behind him, putting his body protectively in front of mine with my back to the table. Guardians came at us from all directions, and Dimitri began dispatching them with the same deadly grace that had once made people call him a god. He didn't kill any of the ones he fought, but he made sure they were out of action. If anyone thought his ordeals as a Strigoi or being locked up had diminished his fighting ability, they were terribly mistaken. Dimitri was a force of nature, managing to take on both impossible odds and stop me each time I tried to join the fight. The queen's guards might have been the best of the best, but Dimitri†¦ well, my former lover and instructor was in a category all his own. His fighting skills were beyond anyone else's, and he was using them all in defense of me. â€Å"Stay back,† he ordered me. â€Å"They aren't laying a hand on you.† At first, I was overwhelmed by his protectiveness–even though I hated not being part of a fight. Watching him fight again was also entrancing. He made it look beautiful and lethal at the same time. He was a one-man army, the kind of warrior that protected his loved ones and brought terror to his enemies– And that's when a horrible revelation hit me. â€Å"Stop!† I suddenly yelled. â€Å"I'll come! I'll come with you!† No one heard me at first. They were too involved with the fight. Guardians kept trying to sneak behind Dimitri, but he seemed to sense them and would shove chairs or anything else he could get a hold of at them–while still managing to kick and punch those coming at us head-on. Who knew? Maybe he really could have taken on an army by himself. But I couldn't let him. I shook Dimitri's arm. â€Å"Stop,† I repeated. â€Å"Don't fight anymore.† â€Å"Rose–â€Å" â€Å"Stop!† I was pretty sure I'd never screamed any word so loudly in my life. It rang through the room. For all I knew, it rang through the entire Court. It didn't exactly make everyone come to a halt, but many of the guardians slowed down. A few of the cowering cafe workers peered over the counter at us. Dimitri was still in motion, still ready to take everyone on, and I had to practically throw myself at him to get him to notice me. â€Å"Stop.† This time, my voice was a whisper. An uneasy silence had fallen over everyone. â€Å"Don't fight them anymore. I'm going to go with them.† â€Å"No. I won't let them take you.† â€Å"You have to,† I begged. He was breathing hard, every part of him braced and ready to attack. We locked gazes, and a thousand messages seemed to flow between us as the old electricity crackled in the air. I just hoped he got the right message. One of the guardians tentatively stepped forward–having to go around the unconscious body of his colleague–and Dimitri's tension snapped. He started to block the guardian and defend me again, but I instead put myself between them, clasping Dimitri's hand and still looking into his eyes. His skin was warm and felt so, so right touching mine. â€Å"Please. No more.† I saw then that he finally understood what I was trying to say. People were still afraid of him. No one knew what he was. Lissa had said him behaving calmly and normally would soothe fears. But this? Him taking on an army of guardians? That was not going to get him points for good behavior. For all I knew, it was already too late after this, but I had to attempt damage control. I couldn't let them lock him up again–not because of me. As he looked at me, he seemed to send a message of his own: that he would still fight for me, that he would fight until he collapsed to keep them from taking me. I shook my head and gave his hand a parting squeeze. His fingers were exactly as I remembered, long and graceful, with calluses built up from years of training. I let go and turned to face the guy who had originally spoken. I assumed he was some sort of leader. I held out my hands and slowly stepped forward. â€Å"I'll go quietly. But, please†¦ don't lock him back up. He just thought†¦ he just thought I was in trouble.† The thing was, as the handcuffs were clamped onto my wrists, I was starting to think I was in trouble too. As the guardians helped each other up, their leader took a deep breath and made the proclamation he'd been trying to make since entering. I swallowed, waiting to hear Victor's name. â€Å"Rose Hathaway, you are under arrest for high treason.† Not quite what I'd expected. Hoping my submission had earned me points, I asked, â€Å"What kind of high treason?† â€Å"The murder of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Tatiana.†